
Winter, Snowkite Time with Ozone Explore V3

di - 22/01/2025

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Those who are passionate about kitesurfing but do not have the possibility or desire to reach exotic destinations where they can practice in winter, perhaps will consider reaching a snowy Alpine location and trying their hand at Snowkiting. In this case, the Ozone Explore V3 wing is the perfect solution

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Ozone Explore v3, features

The Explore V3 is powerful in any size. Enjoy ultra-smooth and consistent pull and instantly depower the kite, wherever it is in the window.

Self-landing is easier with the Explore V3, while its compact, lightweight features, along with its crash-resistant construction, will encourage you to venture further without fear of complications.

ozone explore v3

Always safe

The super predictable flight characteristics add a feeling of great forgiveness that inspires confidence in all situations. Even in an exposed position on a hill, you can park the kite at the zenith without feeling intimidated.

ozone explore v3


Although extremely accessible, the Explore V3 offers huge riding potential to experienced riders who want to push their limits. The versatile handling can be used to steer the kite through tight, dynamic loops, or slower, wider arcs; both essential for navigating challenging terrain.

Introduced in the Explore V2, closed cells in the tips reduce tip flutter when looping the kite, resulting in less noise and a smoother feel. Depowering the kite high in the window or off to the side allows you to focus more on riding and less on the kite.

look at the video

Snowkiting enthusiast Matt Taggart relives some of his recent magical experiences in New Zealand, exploring Mount Pisa on the Explore V3, our most accessible snowkite for all levels. Get out there and let’s go!!!

Sizes: 4,0 – 6,0 – 8,0 – 10,0 – 12,0* Coming soon

Cells number: 25

Size Bar: 45 or 50 cm

Line lenght: 22 or 25 m

Diplomato in Arti Grafiche, Laureato in Architettura con specializzazione in Design al Politecnico di Milano, un Master in Digital Marketing. Giornalista dal 2005 è direttore di 4Actionmedia dal 2015. Grande appassionato di sport e attività Outdoor, ha all'attivo alcune discese di sci ripido (50°) sul Monte Bianco e Monte Rosa, mezze maratone, alcune vie di alpinismo sulle alpi e surf in Indonesia.