

di - 24/01/2025

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Ensis is raffling off a ROGER parawing.

Would you like to win an ENSIS ROGER parawing? Take your chance by answering this question:
“How many meters of reins does the ROGER use?”

Try to win

Would you like to win an ENSIS ROGER parawing? Take your chance by answering this question:
“How many meters of reins does the ROGER use?”

Would you like to win an ENSIS ROGER parawing? Take your chance by answering this question:
“How many meters of reins does the ROGER use?”

Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.