
Stay Warmer, Longer, with Prolimit

di - 10/02/2025

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When the weather gets unpredictable, your gear shouldn’t hold you back. From internal thermals to cold weather essentials, Prolimit has you covered.

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First Layer

PL Innersystem 1st Layer Top Hooded vest

Flexible polypropylene upper with fixed neoprene hood

Sizes: XS – S – M – L – XL

Fabric: Quikdry

Thickness: 1,5 mm


Neoprene Chillvest Hooded Longarm 1.5mm

Chilltop in neoprene with fixed hood. To be used as an additional layer under a wetsuit in cold conditions.

Sizes: XS – S – M – L – XL

Fabric: Airflex 550+ Limestone Neoprene

Thickness: 1,5 mm



Neoprene Loosefit Hoodie Mercury

It’s the Mercury Hoodie! Made with Neolight Heater 550+ limestone and Airflex 550+ neoprene. Has a spreader bar hook pocket. Style and warmth when you’re on a break.

Sizes: S – M – L – XL


Oxygen WMS Neoprene Hoodie

Made with Neolight Heater 550+ Limestone and Airflex 550+ neoprene. The hoodie has a pocket with a hook for the spreader bar. Style and warmth when you are on break. Matches the Oxygen line.

Sizes: 34/S – 42/XL



Racer Jacket DL

The Racer Jkt in neoprene. Improved windchill for maximum warmth. Updated hood for greater comfort. Pocket with hook for the spreader bar.

Sizes: L – XL


Pure Girl Racer Jacket

The Oxygens Girls Neoprene Racer Jkt. Improved windchill for maximum warmth. Updated hood for added comfort. New: Spreader bar hook pocket. We use Prolimit’s Neolight warming neoprene to match the functionality and fit of the 2021 Oxygen.

Sizes: 34/S – 42/XL


Diplomato in Arti Grafiche, Laureato in Architettura con specializzazione in Design al Politecnico di Milano, un Master in Digital Marketing. Giornalista dal 2005 è direttore di 4Actionmedia dal 2015. Grande appassionato di sport e attività Outdoor, ha all'attivo alcune discese di sci ripido (50°) sul Monte Bianco e Monte Rosa, mezze maratone, alcune vie di alpinismo sulle alpi e surf in Indonesia.