
Leo Verrecchia defends his title as Australian freestyle kitesurf champion!

di - 30/01/2025

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The 2025 Australian National Freestyle Championships concluded in spectacular fashion at The Pond in Safety Bay, Western Australia, where Naish rider Leo Verrecchia claimed his third consecutive national title.

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The Australian National Freestyle Championships

Held from January 24th to 27th, the event brought together Australia’s best freestyle riders in optimal flatwater conditions. Part of a larger “Kite Karnival” featuring competitions, expression sessions and big air events, it was a true celebration of kiteboarding.

Naish Team athlete Leo entered the competition focused on defending his title. With strong and consistent Perth trade winds, he cruised through the rounds with precision, landing clean and powerful tricks. In the men’s final, facing off against Ben Gerhardt and Ryan Parsons in 23-25 ​​knots of wind, Leo stayed oversized on his 12m kite and delivered a near flawless performance.

Reflecting on the event, Leo described it as his best national run ever, using the ideal conditions to push his most difficult tricks. His calculated strategy and technical execution secured him a top spot on the podium once again, cementing his status as the reigning Australian Freestyle Champion.

After a short but rewarding trip to the West Coast, Leo is already looking forward to his next challenge.

Congratulations, Leo, on an incredible achievement: we look forward to many more victories!

Diplomato in Arti Grafiche, Laureato in Architettura con specializzazione in Design al Politecnico di Milano, un Master in Digital Marketing. Giornalista dal 2005 è direttore di 4Actionmedia dal 2015. Grande appassionato di sport e attività Outdoor, ha all'attivo alcune discese di sci ripido (50°) sul Monte Bianco e Monte Rosa, mezze maratone, alcune vie di alpinismo sulle alpi e surf in Indonesia.