
Kailas Fuga Du Dual BOA, test review

di - 19/03/2025

Kaila Fuga Du Dual BOA
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Kailas Fuga DU Dual BOA, we finally put our feet inside a pair of Kailas, thanks to the testing of the new Fuga DU equipped with dual-rotor BOA Fit System  and VIBRAM Megagrip  outsole with Litebase  and Traction lug technologies. A footwear model devoted to long distances, very structured, with incredible grip on any kind of terrain.

Weight: 300 grammi US 9,5 Drop: 8mm Stack height: 27/35 mm Recommended Use: Trail Running and Long-Distance Training


Fuga DU is a shoe with a strong trail connotation, thanks to the numerous reinforcement details present that characterize its line. The lack of laces and the presence of as many as two BOA Fit System rotors enrich the design of the sidewall, while the VIBRAM sole, equipped with very pronounced lugs emphasizes the offroad heart of this model.

Kaila Fuga Du Dual BOA


The foot is very well positioned and protected at the hips and top. The toe box is rather narrow and is not ideal for wide soles of the foot. The double BOA rotor makes the closure very easy and shields us from possible problems with traditional laces. A double side strap wraps the foot like a glove, giving structure to the upper. Small note, the texture of the straps, if you tighten the closure a lot, can give discomfort on the back of the foot…definitely a feature that can be improved.


Il piede appoggia molto bene. nelle varie fasi della rullata di corsa o camminando. La suola grippa ovunque, dando grande sicurezza agli appoggi. L’impatto con il terreno è molto solido e per alcuni runner potrebbe essere un problema, rispetto ad un feeling più “morbido” con il terreno. La Fuga DU, come già detto, è una scarpa particolarmente strutturata, caratteristica che ne evidenzia il carattere offroad.

Heel-to-toe transition

The rather pronounced forefoot rocker greatly aids the rolling especially uphill or falsiplanes, while the downhill ride is extremely safe and solid thanks to the incredible grip of the VIBRAM sole facilitating the rolling. On soft terrain the roll has an enviable grip and manages to be very smooth.

Kaila Fuga Du Dual BOA


The engineered mesh upper is really phenomenal. The foot breathes well, debris such as sand or fine soil does not enter the inside of the shoe with the risk of discomfort as miles go by and blisters form…


Formidable grip in all conditions and types of terrain, from loose loam to wet rock. The sole is very well designed and even on the descent the asymmetrical cleats do a great job allowing very secure footing at all times.

Kaila Fuga Du Dual BOA


A decidedly very stable shoe, both uphill and downhill, thanks to good outsole scamping especially in the forefoot area and excellent foot hold thanks to the dual BOA Fit System.

Impact protection

An extremely protective shoe that is comfortable on any type of terrain and in all weather conditions. So protective that for some trail runners it may seem overly structured, but the market offers a very wide range of choices so word to the wise…

Kaila Fuga Du Dual BOA

Recommended for

The Kailas Fuga Du Dual BOA is perfect for those looking for a shoe to get a lot of mileage out of their feet in an extremely protective and structured shoe. I found it very comfortable even in the walking phases which makes me prefer it to many other competitors, while in the running phases on easy, flat terrain it can be far too structured. The sole is of a superior level and the tread block design developed by Kailas in collaboration with VIBRAM is perfect on all types of terrain.

Vibram LITEBASE sole

Litebase technology reduces the overall weight of the sole by 30% through a reduction in thickness, while maintaining Vibram quality in grip, traction and durability.

Daniele Milano nasce una buona cinquantina di anni fa in Valle d’Aosta. Cresciuto con la montagna dentro, ha sempre vissuto la propria regione da sportivo. Lo sci alpino è stato lo sport giovanile a cui ha affiancato da adolescente l’atletica leggera. Nei primi anni 90 la passione per lo snowboard lo ha letteralmente travolto, sia come praticante che come giornalista. Coordinatore editoriale della rivista Snowboarder magazine e collaboratore per diverse testate sportive di settore ha poi seguito la direzione editoriale della testata Onboard magazine, affiancando sin dal lontano 2003 la gestione dell’Indianprk snowpark di Breuil- Cervinia. Oggi Daniele è maestro di snowboard e di telemark e dal 2015 segue 4running magazine, di cui è l’attuale direttore editoriale e responsabile per il canale web running. Corre da sempre, prima sul campo di atletica leggera vicino casa e poi tra prati e boschi della Valle d’Aosta. Dal 2005 vive un po’ a Milano con la propria famiglia, mentre in inverno si divide tra la piccola metropoli lombarda e Cervinia. “La corsa è il mio benessere interiore per stare meglio con gli altri”