
Interview with the new snowboard legend Nick Russell

di - 21/03/2025

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Nick, an expert snowboarder, has traveled the world, from the Sierra Nevada in California to India, Turkey, Alaska and Bolivia. He is known for tackling steep terrain with style and control, weaving through dense trees or launching himself off exposed walls, demonstrating a deep connection to the mountains. He recently completed the first snowboard descent of Papsura (Peak of Evil), a nearly 21,000-foot peak in Himachal Pradesh, India. We interviewed him during the promotion tour for the Patagonia-produced film.

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Hi Nick, at what age did you start snowboarding and what is so magical about this activity that it has become your reason for living?

I started skiing when I was very young, around 3 or 4, then switched to snowboarding around 8 or 9 and never looked back. For me, the magic is in the act of surfing itself. With the right snow, the right slope and the right mindset, it becomes a fluid movement that pushes me to seek that feeling time after time.

Do you consider yourself a freerider? What does it mean to be one? Snowboarding through the trees in a forest, kicking up clouds of powder, seems very different from making hesitant turns on a 45° line in icy snow.

Yes, I am a freerider through and through. For me, freeriding is a way of looking and moving through the mountain without the shackles of expectations or worries about how others perceive us.

Photo: Blake Gordon

At the origins of freeride, the dream was to be able to afford helicopter rides, the fun was only linked to the descent. Nowadays, conquering the top of a line is almost essential. For you, what makes snowboarding an experience?

We are never “conquering” anything out there, except our own personal limits. The experience is in working with the mountain to move safely, both up and down, depending on the conditions.

Photo: Blake Gordon

What made you choose Jerry Mark as your expedition partner to Papsura and what does it mean to you to share such an experience with someone?

Jerry is a dear friend and trusted companion on adventures. His resume of impressive descents and mountaineering skills speaks for itself, although he is not one to advertise his exploits. We both wanted a pure expedition experience, regardless of the outcome of an eventual film. When you reach a certain level in the pursuit of certain goals, you want the reason for going to be something that truly feeds your soul, not accolades or anything else. Jerry is the ideal friend and companion for audacious goals like this.

Photo: Blake Gordon

Hilaree Nelson’s descent in 2013 on Papsura inspired your recent attempt on the same mountain and line. Did she tell you about it directly? What attracted you in particular?

Yes, both she and Jim had talked a lot about Papsura in the years before her passing, describing it as one of the wildest lines they had ever ridden. Both Jerry and I were very inspired by their Big Mountain Range adventures and talked about it for years, but we weren’t ready for something like this. We’ve seen and studied the photos, and the beauty of the line is undeniable for those who love this type of snowboarding.

Photo: Blake Gordon

The line you snowboarded goes straight down from the summit of almost 6,500 m. How did you prepare for it?

A lot of splitboarding from December to April helps prepare physically, but mental training is just as important. Putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations before the expedition helped us set the right mental state for what was to come.

Parlaci della discesa e delle sensazioni che l’hanno accompagnata.

It was a tough, intimidating, rewarding descent, all the emotions rolled into one. As Jeremy Jones says, there are no words to describe the descent.

Photo: Blake Gordon

Now that a big dream has come true, what goals do you set for yourself?

Words are small, but I certainly have no shortage of aspirations. I hope to continue sharing my love of snowboarding and the mountains with others, inspiring people along the way to follow their dreams.

Photo: Blake Gordon

Diplomato in Arti Grafiche, Laureato in Architettura con specializzazione in Design al Politecnico di Milano, un Master in Digital Marketing. Giornalista dal 2005 è direttore di 4Actionmedia dal 2015. Grande appassionato di sport e attività Outdoor, ha all'attivo alcune discese di sci ripido (50°) sul Monte Bianco e Monte Rosa, mezze maratone, alcune vie di alpinismo sulle alpi e surf in Indonesia.