
Boot 2025, the Ensis Team

di - 26/01/2025

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A look at Boot Düsseldorf with the Ensis team.

The Düsseldorf International Boat Show has just ended! The ENSIS team was present in Hall 17 at the indoor pool from January 18-26, 2025. The weekend just past was full of excitement: the world’s first indoor pumpfoiling and wingfoiling competition, equipment presentations, interviews, and much more. And there is much more to come! Meet the team, learn about our latest products, and even try out some indoor gear. Here’s what’s been happening so far.

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The BOOT opening ceremony was held at the indoor pool, and Balz Müller played a key role in the event. During the ceremony, Balz performed a wingfoiling performance on the water, captivating the audience and officially welcoming the show. His energy set the tone for an unforgettable week.


The indoor pool came alive over the weekend, hosting the first indoor wingfoiling competition. Organized by the GWA team, the event also served to launch the Surf Foil World Tour (SFT). The new tour will introduce new foiling disciplines such as surf foiling, e-foiling, downwinding and pumpfoiling. The first event of the tour featured a pumpfoiling competition that attracted a lot of attention.


The indoor wingfoiling competitions presented unique challenges. The wind generated by the fans was turbulent and gusty, and the shallow pool required precision and skill. Despite these obstacles, the racers put on an incredible show. The format was that of a sprint time trial, with runners having to complete the course in the shortest possible time. The fastest times would advance to the next round. Balz Müller proved his talent, sprinting along the course and taking second place overall.


In the pumpfoiling event, riders navigated a zig-zag slalom course marked by buoys in a head-to-head race. Two competitors started at the same time, and the first to finish the race advanced to the next round. This was a pumpfoil drag race that tested the endurance and skill of the riders. Balz and Michi gave it their all, putting on a fantastic performance and having fun.


The ENSIS booth in Hall 17 was a hub of activity throughout the weekend, and participants had the opportunity to experience all that ENSIS has to offer.

Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.