
Andreas Reiterer and Prodigio Pro, a family history…

di - 11/03/2025

Andreas Reiterer foto gaia panozzo
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Andreas Reiterer, already the protagonist of a pleasant interview on 4running Speciale Trail 2024, returns to our pages, grabbing the cover of this issue, with the new Prodigio Pro by La Sportiva on his feet, a specific model of footwear for trail running on which the brand from Ziano di Fiemme is really betting a lot, obtaining excellent competitive results with its athletes.

By Daniele Milano Pession | photo: @gaiapanozzo@gaiapanozzo

Hello Andreas and thank you for your availability. A little less than a year ago, at the Lavaredo Ultra Trail, we asked you what you thought of the new Prodigy project and you were enthusiastic. How is your feedback today?

First of all, thank you for allowing me to be a guest again in this interview. I have been using the new Prodigio line for a year already and I must say that I am still 100% enthusiastic about it. La Sportiva has done a great job over the past few years, but with Prodigio they have taken it a step further and positioned themselves in the global market with a cutting-edge product. As a lover of long distances, the shoes in the Prodigio line are the ultimate for me; I use them every day.

Sportiva has put its whole self into this project, how were you involved?

La Sportiva worked very hard, and even some athletes were able to participate in the development of this project. I was also directly involved for Prodigio Pro, giving my support to get the most out of it. From the beginning I tested the shoe in training by continuously communicating my feedback, recording the kilometers run and the meters of altitude to check the durability of the shoe. We also did joint testing of the model on both track and trail so that we would be able to compete on all surfaces. I really enjoyed being helpful to the company, and I think together we did a great job.

The Prodigio line includes three trail models, Prodigio, Prodigio Pro (available in the SS25 season) and Prodigio Max (new entry in the FW25 collection): which is your favorite and why?

Yes, the Prodigio line will include three different models. I started with Prodigio, with which I felt immediately comfortable and about which I would like to tell a short anecdote: I trained with this shoe for two months and then at the end of March 2024 I was scheduled for the Chianti by UTMB. Two weeks before the race I contacted La Sportiva asking them to send me a new Prodigio to use during this occasion; a week before the competition I received the shoe and ran a maximum of 20 km in it. I subsequently wore it to the race, where I had my first big success with this shoe: I won and had no problems with my feet either during or afterwards. After Chianti, I raced with the Prodigio Pro for the first time and have been in love with this shoe ever since. The comfort, especially in long races of more than 100 km, is optimal: it is soft, but still gives me the feeling of always having a good push forward. Even on technical terrain it is very stable and instills in you the confidence to push. I currently run almost exclusively on this model.

Andreas Reiterer photo gaia panozzo

What do you think about the introduction of super critical foam in trail footwear?

The introduction of foam is another step forward: it is similar to what we already know from flat carbon shoes, especially for ambitious runners who run at a good pace. You can really notice the difference. The foam really helps when running at a high pace. Other companies have tried the carbon sole on trail runs, but I’m not so sure about it especially on technical terrain where it is difficult to run well and nimbly. Therefore, the foam is a very good alternative.

Andreas Reiterer photo gaia panozzo

Have the revolutionary features also changed your running technique?

My running technique has not changed much, the only thing that has varied is that with these shoes you run with less effort because they help you a lot on all kinds of terrain.

How are you approaching winter preparation ahead of the summer season?

Winter preparation is going very well, for three months I have been working with a coach (for the first time in my life) and I am really doing very well. Until now I have always trained alone, but now I follow a path that has varied slightly. My coach gives me new stimulation and this is very important to improve. Three weeks ago I had my first test in Tuscany at the Ronda Ghibellina trail, where we were in a meeting with the national team. The feelings were very good and I hope I can go on like this.

What other sports do you engage in during the winter time?

In the winter time, ski mountaineering is a sport I enjoy and it is also good training for running. Every year in December and January I practice a lot with skis and at the end of January I start with running preparation. In winter on skis I always do a few races, especially short ones like verticals that help me increase my pace as well as my comfort zone. It’s important for me to stay many hours on my legs to do long runs, and then it’s the intense workouts like repeats or these races that really help me improve.

How important in winter preparation is dry training?

I don’t like training in the gym; I prefer to train outdoors. However, it’s very important for us runners to train strength, and that’s why we have to do it from time to time. The good thing about ski mountaineering is that you train this aspect a lot, so you don’t have to go to the gym as often.

What will be your main goals for 2025?

Chianti by UTMB 120 km, Transvulcania 75 km, Lavaredo by UTMB 120 km, CCC 100 km and the World Championships in Spain where I do the 85 km Long Trail. Every race is very important and I want to finish at the top. I really want to do well in Lavaredo because it is my favorite (until now I never managed to do a good race there). This year is the one!

What is the race you remember most fondly from last season and why?

From last season I have good memories of my victories at Chianti and Eiger by UTMB. The latter is a very hard race, but I had a perfect day. If you could wish for something, every competition should go like this. One of the best is the Lavaredo where I led the race for 90 km. Unfortunately, I made a mistake with nutrition after 9 hours of the race and went into a slump, finishing 6th. It wasn’t what I had imagined, but it wasn’t completely bad either. The best thing was that my wife was waiting for me at the finish line with our newborn baby and welcomed me together with the whole La Sportiva team. I felt part of a big family.

What tips would you give to a trail runner who wants to tackle an ultra marathon?

Have fun with what you do. Don’t take it too seriously, so you’ll be ready for everything, the good times and the bad. Train with your head; sometimes quality is better than quantity. And if you don’t know what to do anymore, find a coach and let him help you. Then you will have new motivation and everything will be much easier.

Daniele Milano nasce una buona cinquantina di anni fa in Valle d’Aosta. Cresciuto con la montagna dentro, ha sempre vissuto la propria regione da sportivo. Lo sci alpino è stato lo sport giovanile a cui ha affiancato da adolescente l’atletica leggera. Nei primi anni 90 la passione per lo snowboard lo ha letteralmente travolto, sia come praticante che come giornalista. Coordinatore editoriale della rivista Snowboarder magazine e collaboratore per diverse testate sportive di settore ha poi seguito la direzione editoriale della testata Onboard magazine, affiancando sin dal lontano 2003 la gestione dell’Indianprk snowpark di Breuil- Cervinia. Oggi Daniele è maestro di snowboard e di telemark e dal 2015 segue 4running magazine, di cui è l’attuale direttore editoriale e responsabile per il canale web running. Corre da sempre, prima sul campo di atletica leggera vicino casa e poi tra prati e boschi della Valle d’Aosta. Dal 2005 vive un po’ a Milano con la propria famiglia, mentre in inverno si divide tra la piccola metropoli lombarda e Cervinia. “La corsa è il mio benessere interiore per stare meglio con gli altri”