Saturday 22nd February inauguration of the lighting system for night surfing on the famous spot of western Liguria. It is the largest in Italy, born from the strong commitment of the Municipality of Andora in synergy with the Cinghiale Marino Surf Club.
Photo by Silvia Khachatourian In Italy we cannot increase the frequency of the waves, but we can double the time available during a storm by surfing even at night, with the right lighting. It was 2019 and 4surf magazine had launched the news (here is the original article): “Andora like Varazze, here too you can surf at night”. We, who know well the commitment and seriousness of the guys from the Cinghiale Marino Surf Club, led by Renato Colombini, had no doubts: if they announced it, then it will happen! And almost 6 years later, here is the news we were all waiting for: the municipality of Andora inaugurates an area for night surfing. The largest in Italy and among the few in Europe.

And there’s more: not only can we say that in Andora the spot will be lit up like in Varazze, where the lighthouse was inaugurated in August 2014, but we can confirm that “a city of sport 365 days a year” will have the best lighting system in Italy. The initiative is by the Department of Sport, which has installed two systems with six lights each on the Thor Heyerdahl pier, for a total power of 24,000 watts, capable of lighting up a large part of the eastern coastline and which will allow enthusiasts to surf in the evening, in a unique setting. How many times have we found good, consistent waves, but with the wind that remained active from the sea until sunset… and then magically turned from land at dusk. Well, that bad feeling of having to get out of the water right when it’s the best part, you probably won’t feel it again in Andora.
Two 8-meter-high poles, perfectly positioned on the long pier where the promenade ends, which offer exceptional lighting both on the waves that form to the right and on those to the left of the area. This will create a beautiful arena from which spectators who crowd the pier will be able to enjoy the show, after an aperitif or a dinner in the beautiful town in the province of Savona.

To test the area, waves permitting, there will be several athletes from the Italian Federation of Surfing, Water Skiing, Wakeboarding (FISSW) and from the Cinghiale Marino Surf Club of Andora. The invitation is of course open to all enthusiasts, the appointment is for next Saturday, February 22nd at 6:00 pm. Below are the statements of the main actors of the project.

“The nighttime surfing area system lights up the coast for about a kilometer and offers a unique sports-recreational proposal that is part of the works and initiatives promoted by the Municipal Administration to intercept sports tourism and make Andora attractive all year round,” said Sports Councilor Ilario Simonetta. “We have worked, also with the valuable collaboration and guidance of the Coast Guard, to offer a unique and safe space for practice. In this way, we are responding to the requests of enthusiasts who are already numerous and attracted by the quality of the waves of Andora. We have completely redesigned the intervention and have managed to create two very powerful systems, with six lights each, compared to the single one planned years ago. We offer surfers two areas, divided by the Heyerdahl Pier. The space is public. We are working so that the use of the lighting can be managed through an app that you can sign up for.”
The event to light up the Surfing Practice Area at night is sponsored by the Liguria Region, as part of “2025 Liguria European Region of Sport” and the Province of Savona. The ceremony will be attended by the Regional Councilor for Sport Simona Ferro, the President of the Province of Savona Pierangelo Olivieri, the President of the Italian Surfing Water Skiing Wakeboard Federation, Claudio Ponzani, the Technical Director of FISSW Marco Gregori, the Aces Italia-Area North West Area councilor Enrico Cimaschi and numerous champions of Team Italy: Alessandro Marcianò, surf big wave riding athlete, holder of the Italian 18 meter record, Cecilia Pampinella Sup race world champion, Genesio Ludovisi, European Bodyboard champion, Leonardo Apreda European junior Surf champion, Francesca Rubegni European longboard champion and Riccardo Rossi European Sup race champion.

“The nighttime surf area, the future cycle path, the paths we have retraced and those we are improving for MTB, eBike and trekking enthusiasts, are fundamental works because they offer attractive activities in every period of the year and are dedicated to those who love the sea and the hinterland. Projects designed, financed and that we are completing in the year in which Liguria is the European Region of Sport – said Mayor Mauro Demichelis – In the case of surfing, there are many waiting for this innovation, if you consider that hundreds already come to Andora every time the right waves are forecast. A movement to give continuity to and that will certainly bring economic benefits to the territory”.
In the municipality of Andora the movement linked to sea sports such as sailing, windsurfing, surfing, SUP has developed also thanks to the work of the associations that operate for the promotion on the coast and in the port and with the support and collaboration of the Municipality and the A.M.A

Among these is the Asd Cinghiale Marino Surf Club of Andora which for several years has been involved in promoting surfing among young people and in organizing important national and international competitions with the Italian Surfing Federation.
“During the evening, the public will have the opportunity to admire the performances of some champions who with their skill and passion will demonstrate the excellence of this sport – explains Renato Colombini of the Cinghiale Marino Surf Club who co-organized the inaugural event with the municipality of Andora which also includes musical entertainment by the group “The Monkey Weather” – An area that is born from the fruitful collaboration between the Municipality and our School, a relationship built over time on the shared commitment to enhance the territory even in the low season. Thanks to the constant sensitivity of the Municipality, a night lighting system unique in Italy has been installed, an innovative choice that not only enriches the sports and recreational offering, but becomes a tool for social inclusion, capable of promoting the aggregation and well-being of the local community and beyond, 365 days a year”.
All images were made by Silvia Khachatourian